Saturday, May 30, 2009

Video Interlude

I'm about to head out on the town with my buddy Liz Austin (read: danger, Will Robinson!), but a few videos for your amusement:

Ella, schooling canter (she was DOG tired when we made these two, so pardon the missed changes at the end)
Ella, schooling trot, pi-pa and walk
And my personal favorite, Midge making baby piaffe!



  1. Very nice Lauren! I also like how you do a lot of crossing steps with the hind end b/f your canter work!

  2. I use those quick leg-yield steps to get the hind legs quick. Of course, I have to be careful with her that they don't make her tight in the back and neck (and brain!), but on days when she's a little tired like the day the video was taken, they're a great tool. Thanks!
