Monday, May 25, 2009

I Barely Passed High School Math, And It Shows

STOP THE PRESSES! I'm a math-challenged idiot. I'm QUALIFIED FOR GLADSTONE by the teensiest tiniest of margins! YAY! HOORAH!

(thank goodness!)

So: Cleo will get some well-deserved time hacking this week, then it's up to Lendon's for three days of "Lauren, could you PLEASE stop flopping like a trout, sit up and RIDE the poor creature?!"



  1. AMEN SISTER!!!!
    math exams swallow me whole :)

  2. I think (as a math teacher) that I may start a side business at shows - Median scores explained :)

    I can't braid for ()#*)( so I have to pay for showing somehow right? :)

    Congrats on qualifying though!!!!
    Becky & the boys
