Wednesday, June 3, 2009

A Few Universal Truths

1. If you keep the horses in overnight because there is a forecast of possible thunderstorms, it won't rain.
2. If you leave the indoor arena windows overnight, it will rain.

So the fact that it didn't storm last night, having kept horses in BUT windows open, means...?

I am happy to be home for a few weekends in a row. I'm a bit of a mess anyway, but my apartment looks like a bomb went off. I'm wicked behind in my officework. Ella and Midge are all like, um, hello? Don't we count? And I haven't seen a couple of my clients in weeks. So yay for some home time!

Of course, it's 90* and thunderstorming (or, you know, not), but it's good to be here anyway. Cleo and I had a very intense session of playing in the pond yesterday, and we're going to have another day or two of goofing off before we start gearing up for Gladstone. Midge was such a star at the piaffe last week that I think I'm going to leave it alone until Scott is here on the 9th. And I just entered Ella in her first real Prix St. Georges (she did the Developing Test in May, which I think is a way harder test) at a show in July, so I need to start playing with all of those things.

Today will be a fun day because I'm going to start comitting to dates for breeding Cleo. Yay! We will be doing the ET work at a facility only about 40 minutes by trailer from the farm, which is AWESOME, and they've been incredibly helpful in answering all my stupid first-timer questions. We'll get cracking around July 1. Huzzah!

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