Monday, April 20, 2009

Don't Give Me Any Lip

Dental hygenist this morning, to me: I'm getting some bleeding here in your gums. You want to make sure you're really flossing agressively, because bleeding is caused by plaque getting under your gum line.
Me, to hygenist: You know what else causes bleeding? Being STABBED REPEATEDLY IN THE GUMS by a big metal stick.

Except it didn't quite come out like that, as she had said big metal stick, and both hands, down my larynx. So really, it was more like
Me, to hygenist: mmmrph graah... (sigh.)


  1. I agree! I'm like um, no the reason my gums are bleeding is because you're stabbing them with a pick and sawing on them with floss...

  2. That's true, and I agree, however- after a "deep cleaning" to help my unhealthy gums, I went "wow, that sucks" and tried flossing, and my gums kept bleeding, and I was like this is stupid. It turned out that I was way too agressive and I didn't really know how to floss- so "hug n' scrub" was the answer. I still think dentistry is stuck as a science with few advances since the dark ages...Mostly I think it's expensive (cough RIPOFF) and the treatments generally suck.
