Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Travelers everywhere: airport security is not the freaking bar exam.

Having been on airplanes three times in the last four days (VA-IL, IL-FL, FL-VA), I'm amazed at how many people struggle with this. Shoes, coat, laptop, liquids in a bag, belt. Stick 'em in the little box. Then MOVE. Afterwards, get your crap together and KEEP MOVING. Don't wear flip flops. Don't forget socks. Don't bury the laptop at the bottom of the suitcase. Don't wear the Crown Jewels. Doesn't require a PhD.

Don't even get me STARTED on those who can't figure out Southwest's boarding procedure. NOT ROCKET SCIENCE.

Oy vey.

My monthly Chicagoland clinic was great, as usual. It was nice to finally see the farm - it was 55 and sunny for this trip, the first time it hasn't been cold, foul or both.

Florida was, of course, hot and lovely. I took a client horse shopping, and we're keeping our fingers crossed.

And I missed all the craptacular weather here at home, so I can ride everyone outside tomorrow in the sunshine. Hoorah!

Entries are confirmed for the first show... T minus 3 weeks! YIKES!


  1. unfortunately it will rain tomorrow:-(

  2. I am going to build a boat and start collecting my animals in pairs! So much rain - lucky us!

  3. That's why I don't fly southwest unless I absolutely have to because I hate hate hate their boarding process.
